Canterbury - Ashburton Ashburton Kia


Ashburton Kia
Showroom, Parts & Service

The Gluyas family have operated from the existing Kermode Street site since 1929; firstly as a service station and since 1954 as a franchised Dealer. We value customer service, thorough servicing as well as high quality parts. Owning the business since 1987 is Peter Gluyas who, along with his very experienced team of 30+ members of staff are thrilled to be bringing the exciting opportunity of Kia to Ashburton.

Ashburton Kia

Opening hours

Monday - Friday: 8am to 5.30pm
Saturday: 9am to 12pm
Sunday: By appointment only

Parts & Service hours

Service: Monday - Friday: 7.30am to 5.30pm / Parts: Monday - Friday: 8am to 5pm
Parts & Service: Saturday - Sunday: Closed

Get in touch

Phone: 0800 GLUYAS (0800 458 927)
Located: 79 Kermode Street, Ashburton

Kia New Zealand

Update from Kia NZ regarding Kia Kapiti and Levin